Monday, May 16, 2011

Reasons Why God is Good #'s 31-60


Many, many apologies, it has been forever (as my accountability partner has been gently reminding me. lol) I kind of sorta fell off the map the last two weeks in a good/lazy sort of way. I pretty much just quit checking fb and email regularly and just worked and hung out w/ my family and friends. I would like to claim that this was purely out a desire for simplicity, but in reality there was also a lot of laziness factored in. A decent portion of my time was just spent "vegging". While I recognize clearly the need to relax after working all day, etc, I hope this month in DC I can figure out how to do that w/o completely wasting time. Productive sorts of leisure you know. Anyways I promise I'll use some of this new free time to write another more substantial blog post soon but for now I wanted to post reasons 31-60 why God is good. If you haven't seen my "Gig's" already we must not be fb friends b/c I try to put them up as status whenever I'm particularly grateful for something. I must admit I've been slacking a little lately on the Gig's too, b/c there are a ton of things to be grateful for in my life in the last few weeks, but that will have to wait for another post. Until then these are the reasons, and the link for the first 30 is in reason #31. God Bless and till next time I'll see you in the Eucharist!

31. James A. Lopez. and for the first 30 reasons:
32. Jacob Vincent Jirak "God doesn't give you the mountains to enjoy the view but to prepare for the valleys." Thanks bud, it came in handy the other day.
33. "Thou, O Mary, hast only to open thy immaculate hands over them,and they are shot through with the rays of thy purity.
Through thee, entereth the light to shine in the darkest places....
Through thee, souls are washed in a downpour of graces."
Happy Feast of the Immaculate Conception!
34. For seeing me through to this day, after 2 1/2 years I am FINISHED with Latin! Praise be to God!
35. "Precious in the eyes of the Lord is the death of His faithful." Paul Seiler (Dec. 14, 1926-Dec. 11, 2010). I'll miss you.
36. For family.
37. For a wonderful, sleepless night w/ friends followed by a glorious sunny day, finished by an awesome sunset.
38. "Every starry night, that was His design."
39. For old fashioned pleasures like these:
40. A saintly old Cistercain named Fr. Roch, and his awesome Theology of the Spiritual Life class.
41. "It is a dirty rotten trick of Satan that tempts us to fall into fear when we discover that sin in us is not fixable by us." Cecilia Rziha
42. Snow days!
43. Thursday night: Beautiful big, wet, slow snow started around 11:00, just barely decided to go outside, sliding around the iced over soccer field w/ 20 good friends, followed by sleding and then building a snow fort till 3:30 in the morning, then coming in for hot chocolate. I don't think I've ever felt more like a college student!
44. For revealing to me over the course of the last week why He led me to choose St. Thomas More as my confirmation saint 4 years ago. God's plan is so good!
45. For answered prayers, and a truly blessed weekend.
46. For a wonderful weekend in KS and for giving His Son to us who are so unworthy ->
47. Oh where to start? For blessings beyond measure this weekend: The marriage of two wonderful, holy, young, beautiful friends; dancing all night at said wedding; sharing this joyful weekend w/ 30+ awesome brothers and sisters in Christ; praying and going to mass w/ said siblings; soaking up the beauty of God's creation (most especially Kansas, and Kansans); and a million more but what could I say that would begin to describe them when language can't begin to capture the depths of God's goodness. Oh how He loves us! My cup overflowth. P.S.- Hmm...I couldn't help thinking about this article after this weekend too:
48. For the desert, for mountains, for canyons, for a night sky with more stars than I have ever seen, for meteors, for hard work, for sunrises, for chicken and rice with taco seasoning while a perfectly unique sunset burns up the evening sky above the Mexico/US border, for good friends new and old. In other words, for an immeasurably blest week backpacking through Big Bend Nat'l Park.
49. For conversion. For the Mystical Body of Christ. For His infinite love. For so blessed a weekend on Crusader Awakening #3 that there's no way I could begin to put it into words, SHINCK!!!
50. Praying the rosary with 300 other UD students (1/4 of the student body) for a sister in Christ whose going home Wednesday to say goodbye to her mother who is terminally ill. I don't think I've ever seen such a powerful representation of the mystical Body of Christ, God is good.
51. Exactly a year ago today I embarked on a trip that would change my life forever and culminate in Holy Week in the Holy Land. Istanbul-Cappadocia-Israel, 10 Day 2010. God is good.
52. "Neither do I condemn thee, said Jesus, go, and do not sin again." John 8:10-11
53. For holy old monks.
54. For St. Bernard of Clairvauz, "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Who is poorer in spirit than he who finds no rest in his whole spirit, who finds no place to lay down his head?"
55. For unexpected encouragement. If you want the whole story:
56. For the miraculous recovery of my breviary through the intercession of St. Anthony and several good friends. Praised be God! I was really thinking I'd lost it for good.
57. For filling a wonderful, old, holy monk, Fr. Roch with such wisdom and then giving me the opportunity to talk with him. Blessed be God.
59. Talk about a stubborn German farmer:
60. For bringing me through another year of college. FREEDOM!!! lol. Blessed be God!

1 comment:

  1. #38. Awesome. Thanks for your reflections! It's always good to get reminders about God's goodness.
