Friday, October 22, 2010

You're Making My Heart a Garden

First, I must apologize for, as my blogging accountabilty partner has reminded me, I have been doing a deplorable job writing regularly. Lucky for me though the Matt Maher concert at the Univeristy of Dallas Ministry Conference tonight so was amazing that I couldn't help putting up a blog right away.

While the whole concert was wonder-full, (Matt Maher has such an awesome testimony, message and an incredible gift at leading worship) there was one point in particular at which I was just stunned by God's faithfulness. I'll do my best to paraphrase how he introduced the song, or at least how I took it:

You know us humans have it pretty good. We were made; not only that but we were made on the sixth, the last day that He worked. And then He rested on the seventh day, He went on vacation, and we got to go along. We didn't have to do any work and yet still we got to go along to the garden where God walked with us. But we left that garden and ever since then God's been trying to get us back. He sent prophets, judges, and kings but to no avail. Finally, He, God Himself, took on our flesh so that He could also take our sins upon himself to make the situation right again. And because of that sacrafice He made for us we're all able to be here tonight. Because of that sacrafice we can return to the garden and walk with God once again. However, that garden is no longer so much an external thing as it is an internal thing. God cultivates that garden inside, in our hearts...and maybe as that change takes root it changes the way we look at the external world too.

He then proceeded to play "Garden" listen to it ->

While he was playing I was thinking about his introduction for the song especially the part about how when that change begins to take root in our heart maybe it will being to change the way we look at the external world and we be'd walking with God. That's when it struck me that I'd had that esperince before. One time on a narrow paved road, on an early summer's night in the middle of nowhere Israel, at the base of Mount Tabor I walked a few miles down to a bus stop just visiting with a good friend. We shared a few two-pence peices of bread between us. The weather could not have been more perfect, there was the gentlest breeze blowing over a field of hay that'd just been cut, and we were heading to Jerusalem the next day to celebrate Our Lord's Passion, Death, and Resurrection. It was probably the most beatiful night I have ever had the privalege of living through. I remember thinking at the time that it was like God had transfigured creation for us that one night, just as His Son had been transfigured upon the mount we had so recently descended.

Standing there among all of those young adults on fire for their faith I realized that on that night at the base of Mount Tabor we had been walking with God. Talk about chills. I also realized that I can walk with God anytime, whenever I realize His hand in all the little creations He has surrounded me with. Whereever He's leading me I am more committed than ever to going becuase I know He'll be walking with me. Quo Vadis? Where are you going? God Bless!